When you are in need of advice to obtain a fair and just severance package, call Craig Lewis, your Employment Lawyer in Mississauga, Ontario. Craig prepares effective demand letters and guides you through the negotiation process. He knows how difficult it is to lose your job and will fight for you to get the best package possible.
Once Craig gathers all the required details regarding your employment, the negotiation process is ready to be set in full motion. Needed details include your age, when you were hired, length of service, position and function. Contingency fee arrangements are available in certain circumstances.
Most lawyers charge by the hour and that system can work for both the client and the lawyer. However there are times when a contingency fee arrangement is better for the client. A contingency fee arrangement requires a smaller retainer at the start and the lawyer receives an agreed percentage of the settlement or judgment. Fixed fee arrangements are also available. Craig will exercise his discretion and can accept clients on all fee options (hourly, contingency or fixed) after a full review of the case and its merits.
Contact Craig today in Mississauga, Ontario, with any questions you might have about his effective negotiations and anything else related to employment law.